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The Pineapple Report: Facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Tactics for Success


What does the future of Europe look like for young generations in a digitalised world?
For youth in Europe to flourish in a digitalised society - new rights, laws, and consumer protections must guarantee that our democracies and wellbeing are taken care of.

The Pineapple Report explores 4 different categories of proposals:

Civic Intelligence

How do young people learn the value and responsibilities of citizenships? Bad actors undermine this value by using disinformation, scare-politics, and diminished workers’ rights to sabotage social cohesion. To affirm the value of citizenship in a digital democracy, we advocate for digital literacy and citizenship education training via proven modes of experiential learning. We call this capacity, Civic Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence

How do youth learn to be aware of, control, and express their emotions? We call this capacity Emotional Intelligence. Bad actors exploit emotional vulnerability through disinformation, harassment, and incitement towards radicalisation. In response, we offer ten actionable tactics to address industrial-scale emotional manipulation channeled through emerging technologies.

Physical Intelligence

What will the Fourth Industrial Revolution do to young people’s health and wellness? Positive outcomes require that youth learn to assess the interconnected health and wellbeing of the planet, themselves, and their community. This awareness is one’s Physical Intelligence. To reach such outcomes, we call on lawmakers to strengthen consumer, labour and environmental protections to address the excesses that digital technologies have on young people’s health and wellness.

Creative Intelligence

Imagination, originality, and co-creation hold great power. These are elements of Creative Intelligence. Creative reflection on the status-quo is needed to subvert conformity, demystify technology, and adequately value diversity via intersectionality. We call on leaders to recognise the value of the Artisan Economy, DIY movement, Basic Income and growth mindset.

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