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What are we working on? Check out the latest publications, policy documents and more from the Youth Forum.


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A total of 184 items found. Showing 184 items on page 6 of 31.
Youth rights

Position Paper on Platform Work

Policy paper - 23/02/2023

Our mission is to guarantee quality jobs for young people and a fair and decent future of work for the present and future generations. Platform work, if regulated, can represent a great opportunity for young people; our goal therefore is to ensure the protection and dignity of all persons performing platform work.


Discussion paper: The cost of unpaid internships

Research study & publication - 16/01/2023

New research reveals the financial, social and mental costs that unpaid interns must pay in order to enter the labour market.


Charter on Youth and Democracy

Research study & publication - 01/12/2022

The European Committee of the Regions and the European Youth Forum join forces to boost youth participation!

Jin, Jîyan, Azadî - Solidarity with the protesters in Iran

Motion - 26/11/2022

The members of the European Youth Forum are deeply concerned about the worsening human rights situation in Iran.

Youth rights

For the support for the exclusion of the National Youth Council of Russia (NYCR)

Motion - 26/11/2022

The General Assembly of the European Youth Forum voted to terminate the membership of NYCR.

Youth rights

Mainstreaming youth rights in the UN human rights mechanisms

Policy paper - 10/10/2022

This paper analyses the extent in which young people’s rights are accounted for under three of the UN’s human rights mechanisms: the Universal Periodic Review, the UN Treaty Bodies, and the UN Special Procedures.