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What are we working on? Check out the latest publications, policy documents and more from the Youth Forum.


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A total of 184 items found. Showing 184 items on page 19 of 31.
Youth organisations

Resolution: A Framework for the Next Structured Dialogue Cycle: Enabling All Young People to Engage in a Diverse, Connected and Inclusive Europe

Motion - 28/11/2015
This Resolution falls within the scope of the Structured Dialogue topic on “Enabling All Young People to Engage in a Diverse, connected...
Sustainable development

Resolution: Climate matters – The Vision of European Youth for COP21

Motion - 28/11/2015

This resolution states the position of the European Youth Forum on key social, youth and sustainable development aspects of climate change.

Safeguarding civic space
Youth rights

Young people and democratic life in Europe

Research study & publication - 15/10/2015

This study provides an overview of the themes and trends around the topic of young people’s relationship with democratic life in Europe. It follows up a first study published by the League of Young Voters in 2014, which looked into the reasons why young people abstained from voting in large numbers in elections to the European Parliament. This second study looks at youth political participation in a broader sense than just voting, while also including the perspectives of academics, policy makers, and practitioners.

Social and economic rights