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European Youth Forum’s demands on the review of the Quality Framework on Traineeships


We have collected the views and experiences of young people and youth organisations on trainee- ships and advocated on their behalf at national and European level to improve working conditions for young trainees. This includes through surveys of trainees’ experiences, developing a Quality Charter for Internships and Apprenticeships, working with international institutions and private employers to improve the traineeships they offer, analysing national traineeship policies and advocating for better conditions to EU policy-makers.

Related publications


Pathways for a directive to ban unpaid internships

Policy paper - 30/01/2024

As part of our campaign, we want to see the introduction of a proposal for an EU Directive that sets out a gold standard as to what a quality internship should look like.


Quality Charter on Internships & Apprenticeships

Research study & publication - 08/11/2023

Internships and apprenticeships facilitate the transition from education to employment. Read our new Charter on Internships and Apprenticeships to better know your rights in the labour market, and to provide a quality work placement.


The cost of unpaid internships

Research study & publication - 16/01/2023

New research reveals the financial, social and mental costs that unpaid interns must pay in order to enter the labour market.