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Yesterday, 20th November, the Youth Forum's General Assembly began in Cluj Napoca, Romania.

The General Assembly, which brings together all of the Youth Forum's members, every two years, is the highest decision making body of the platform and it is during this meeting that the members elect the board members for the next two years, as well as decide upon the work of the Youth Forum. This year it is hosted by Cluj Napoca, the European Youth Capital 2015.

On the first day of the General Assembly, the board presented the work of the platform since the members last met and presented this video summary of what has been achieved.

The candidates for the Youth Forum's board for 2015-2016 presented their plans and vision for the platform and were then questioned by delegates. On Saturday, the membership will vote on the board candidates.

Delegates also had the opportunity to debate several resolutions and policies in "policy commissions", they discussed resolutions on TTIP, mobility and a code of conduct as well as a youth work policy paper.

The General Assembly continues over the next two days and on Friday 21st November will be addressed by the EU Commissioner for Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracscics.

Follow the GA on Twitter #YFJGA

You can see all our photos from the GA here.

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