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Why the outcomes from the Conference on the Future of Europe matter for young people


Today, on Europe Day, the final proposals from the Conference on the Future of Europe are being presented. It’s time for EU leaders to match our ambition!

From the climate crisis, to the economy, health and European democracy, the Conference has sparked debate on all aspects of European life. This past year of debates and discussions has gathered opinions and ideas, from both citizens and decision makers, on what the future of Europe should be like.

Now that we finally have the outcome of the Conference, what do the proposals include?

The final proposals contain important elements to address the challenges and inequalities young people face on the labour market and to enhance their access to participation in democratic life and decision making, including:

  • Ensuring quality standards for internships and jobs for young people including on remuneration - putting an end to youth minimum wages and other discriminatory labour law provisions specific to young people;

  • Banning of unpaid internships outside formal education via a legal instrument;

  • Ensuring access for young people to social protection equal to other age groups;

  • Championing the recognition of non-formal and informal learning and the youth organisations that provide it;

  • Development of an EU ‘Youth Test’ so that all legislation and policy is subject to a youth focused impact assessment;

  • Funding for and implementation of the reinforced European Youth Guarantee including cooperation with youth organisations;

  • Consideration and discussion of voting in European Parliament elections from the age of 16.

The European Youth Forum President, Silja Markkula, has had a central role in guiding some of the Conference’s discussions as Chair of the Working Group on Education, Culture, Youth and Sports.

“It has been a pleasure as Chair to witness first hand the commitment, ambition and creativity of all those who have contributed to the Conference. Whether you submitted an idea online, or took part in the Conference plenary, your voice is important. Members have worked closely with citizens to produce outcomes that represent these ideas, and today we celebrate that.

At the European Youth Forum, we are looking forward to working with the institutions and other partners including civil society on the follow up to the Conference and implementation of the proposals.”

What happens next?

Young people have provided their ambition - it’s up to the institutions to match it in the follow up.

While the deliberative part of the Conference on the Future of Europe has drawn to a close, the new stage of work is just starting.

When implemented, these proposals will have a positive, lasting impact on young people’s lives and contribute to the realisation of a stable future for Europe’s youth.

We call on the institutions to place the young generation at the centre of their follow up and implement all these key proposals to meet the expectations of current and future generations of young Europeans.

Want to see what the #CoFoE has delivered for youth? Take a look at the final outcomes here, including:

Banning of unpaid internships

Quality Jobs

Younger candidates on lists for European elections

An EU Youth Test

Lets continue to youth up the future and implement these important proposals!

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