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Urging for immediate action on Sustainable Development Goals


We just arrived back in Belgium after attending the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development. This is the main United Nations conference dedicated to tracking the progress of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Assia Oulkadi

The current status is alarming: the report from the UN Secretary General notes that we are more than halfway through the implementation period, and only 17% of the targets set have been achieved. This slow progress highlights the urgent need for intensified efforts.

Despite continuous advocacy from civil society organisations, including the European Youth Forum, the Ministerial Declaration that was adopted by Member States failed to address the pressing issues. Our demands and contributions were largely overlooked.

Several reasons were given for the lack of progress, including the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and current international conflicts. However, these explanations do not fully account for the limited commitment shown by Member States, including those from the European Union. That’s why it remains crucial for us to continue holding Member States accountable for their commitments.

Our key messages

Economic Systems Change: We advocate for a shift from a growth-centred economic model to one that prioritises sustainability and the wellbeing of youth and future generations.

Youth Rights: We call for a UN Convention on the Rights of Young People to protect youth rights universally and ensure young people’s meaningful participation in decision-making processes. This is essential for sustainable development.

Ending Poverty: We urge the institutions to implement an adequate minimum income to support marginalised young people and combat poverty effectively.

Towards the 2030 Agenda & climate justice

True progress requires more than economic growth; it demands societies where justice, human rights, and effective governance are the norm.

While the HLPF declaration emphasises sustainable economic growth and decent work, we stress the need for a paradigm shift in our economic system. The crises we face—climate change, environmental degradation, and inequality—are symptoms of an unsustainable growth-oriented model. We call on UN governments to transition to an economic model prioritising the wellbeing of the planet and its people over perpetual growth. Achieving climate justice also requires a fair taxation system to generate the investments needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C and to address overconsumption. The EU, who consumes a disproportionate share of global resources, between 70% and 97%, must implement legislation on Sustainable Resource Management to ensure climate justice.

The positive: Member States’ commitment to youth participation

While the outcome at the top level was disappointing, we managed to secure important advocacy wins. We engaged with representatives from over ten countries and institutions to advocate for our demands, which were developed collaboratively with youth delegates.

This effort yielded positive outcomes, such as Italy's intention to incorporate the Youth Progress Index (YPI) and youth test into their national context and their Voluntary National Review (VNR) in two years.

Additionally, we represented our National Youth Councils (NYCs), with Rares Voicu, President of the European Youth Forum, urging the Austrian government to uphold long-term, structured, and meaningful youth participation.

The European Youth Forum remains committed to advocating for systemic changes necessary to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Our efforts at the HLPF reflect our dedication to holding governments accountable and pushing for a sustainable future for all. In this challenging political climate, it is more important than ever for civil society and young people to stand together. We must challenge governments to accelerate their efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda through systemic changes, ensuring a more sustainable world for young people now and for the future generations.

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