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The Decent Jobs for Youth Knowledge Facility: Learning, sharing, and engaging


Partners of the UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth launch knowledge facility and data finder on youth employment

European Youth Forum and partners of the UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth have launched a joint Knowledge Facility which is open for business — if you’re in the business of boosting youth employment prospects.

The Knowledge Facility is a place for policy makers and practitioners to learn, share, and engage on youth employment themes through searchable, shareable, and downloadable resources and tools. Partners power the platform by supplying curated content.

Wondering how it works? Watch this one-minute animated video to get oriented:

Let’s dive into the details of what types of resources the Knowledge Facility offers.

  • Data finder: What is the rate of young people not in employment, education or training in your country. Use this interactive data discovery tool to explore key youth employment indicators from all over the world, create charts, and download versions.
  • Publications: Discover text-based resources that provide guidance for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers, including global and country-level reports and case studies.
  • Tools: Browse practical tools, including guides and checklists that help policy makers and practitioners in the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of youth employment policies and programmes.
  • Policy platforms: Explore a diversity of platforms full of information relevant to youth employment policies, standards, and legislation.
  • Partner platforms: Access a curated list of platforms from trusted partners, which provide insights into best practices for youth employment.
  • News and blogs: Read inspiring stories about commitments, actions, and solutions from partners working to achieve decent jobs for youth.
  • Multimedia: Learn from interactive resources about youth employment, including videos, webinars, and online courses.
  • Events: Attend an event near you that aims to advance the goal of decent jobs for youth.

Key features

The Knowledge Facility includes innovative features that make it as user-friendly as it is useful.

  • Lean meta-website, leveraging existing platforms: The Knowledge Facility is available through the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth online engagement platform ( It builds on the work of existing knowledge platforms on youth employment, and maps and links resources and tools related to youth employment and allows users to manage knowledge of, and communicate about, youth employment interventions.
  • Curated approach: The “What is it?” and “Highlights” sections offer a summary of the resource in a few sentences and bullet points. The “Fast facts” column provides even quicker comprehension of the most important characteristics and related information. This curation ensures that all resources are immediately useful and highly practical.
  • Powerful search engine: The strong search functionality, cross-references and a shared taxonomy between resources and tools facilitate maximum visibility and interactivity throughout all platform content. Users can easily search, download, and contribute resources and tools, as well as read about news and events and discuss key topics, using the search feature.
  • Thematic areas: Resources are organised around thematic priorities, which tackle the youth employment challenge. These thematic areas are used across the Decent Jobs for Youth Knowledge Facility and focus on interventions that are locally owned, aligned with national development priorities, and based on rigorous evidence of what works in different contexts.

What’s next?

Now that you’ve gotten familiar how users might leverage the Knowledge Facility, you’re ready to strike out on your own. Get started! The Knowledge Facility becomes more powerful when stakeholders and partners utilise, share and add new resources and tools to the platform.

Browse the platform using the search feature, explore thematic priorities, and consider becoming a partner of our alliance and contributing to the Knowledge Facility. We are an alliance that strives to make decent jobs for youth a reality, and the Knowledge Facility is one important way we’re working to achieve it.


About: The UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth is the multi-stakeholder alliance to scale up action and impact on youth employment under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It brings together governments, social partners, youth and civil society organisations, the private sector, the UN System and others working together to share knowledge, leverage resources and take action at country and regional levels to support young
people in accessing decent work and productive employment worldwide.

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