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The Education, Youth, Culture and Sport (EYCS) Council of the European Union (EU) met in Brussels from the 25th to 26th November, during which it adopted its conclusions on enhancing the social inclusion of young people not in employment, education or training. The Council took some important steps to ease young people’s transition or re-integration into these areas but missed the opportunity to address quality internships.

In its conclusions, the Council decided that barriers, including age and other forms of discrimination, to entering or re-entering the labour market should be eliminated, and precarious work should be addressed. The conclusions strongly acknowledge the important role and added value of youth work, volunteering and non-formal education in combating young people’s inactivity and fostering their inclusion into wider society.

The European Youth Forum welcomes the Council’s agreement to promote high-quality work-based learning such as internships and apprenticeships. However, the Council neither outlined concrete steps to put in place a framework for quality internships nor reminded the European Commission of its commitment to put forward a proposal by year-end.

The Forum hopes that the Ministers responsible for youth from all member states will coordinate with their colleagues in charge of education, inclusion and employment to start implementing the agreed-upon measures.

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