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the latest from the youth forum

What's new? Check out the latest news, statements and more from the Youth Forum.

European Culture and Education can’t be left to the hands of Eurosceptics!
EU Elections 2024

European Culture and Education can’t be left to the hands of Eurosceptics!

Block anti-democratic forces across the political spectrum from holding essential and influential positions in the European Parliament.


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A total of 1102 items found. Showing 1102 items on page 10 of 184.
European Youth Capital

Which city will be the European Youth Capital 2025? Let's hear from the finalists


The selection process for the European Youth Capital 2025 title is still underway. What are the 4 finalists doing today and what has the candidacy changed for them? Read more to stay up to date with what's happening in Fuenlabrada, Izmir, Lviv and Tromsø!

Get ready to LevelUp! Boost your skills & accelerate change


What if the European Parliament could be transformed into a 2 day bootcamp for 1,400 young people from across Europe to boost their...
European Youth Capital

Snapshot from Tirana - Here comes summer in the European Youth Capital 2022


What’s a young person to do during the lazy hazy days of summer in the city? Where to go to have some fun with friends and where to get much-needed relief from the heat? Tirana has all the answers. Catch up with the latest news from the European Youth Capital 2022 and let yourself be inspired for the summertime.

Youth organisations

Joint statement: European Commission must guarantee a meaningful role for civil society in ‘RebuildUkraine’

European civil society has been standing and continues to stand in solidarity with Ukraine and its people in the face of Russian...
European Youth Capital

The Network of European Youth Capitals makes it official!


During the 4th Europe Goes Local event on 17-19 May 2022 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the mayors and deputy mayors of three former European Youth Capitals (EYCs) signed the official creation of the Network of European Youth Capitals.


Open letter to MEPs: Don't give a hand to EU greenwashing


The European Youth Forum is calling on Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to stand for our future and vote against the EU Taxonomy Complementary Climate Delegated Act, which entrenches reliance on fossil gas and nuclear power.