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not my COP of tea ⎸ COP27


How do you like your cup of tea? We like it green just as the COP27 should be. Is it really green though? The climate crisis is happening now and requires urgent action. But is limiting emissions going to be enough? Are we not missing the real cause of the climate crisis? Join us on our journey to COP27 and find out.

Would you like to know more? Get in touch!

Assia Oulkadi

What is COP27?

COP stands for Conference of the Parties and it is the supreme decision-making body made by the countries that signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - a treaty from 1994.

The 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) will bring together member states representatives to Egypt to accelerate action towards the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC. The COP meets every year to review and measure progress made in achieving the objectives to limit climate change.

Why should you care about COP27?

The solutions currently proposed by governments to tackle the climate crisis are not bringing the change we need. European consumption is more than double a sustainable and just level. It is highly unlikely - if not impossible - to tackle the climate crisis and reduce our emissions while at the same time continue growing the economy.

After 26 COP, and with thousands of experts all over the world dedicated to finding solutions for the climate crisis, we still don’t seem to make progress towards maintaining a liveable planet. Instead of the rapid decline needed, CO2 emissions have been rising almost every year and reached the highest level in history last year.
Governments meeting at COP27 do not focus on the necessary solutions to tackle the climate crisis but rather on the symptoms. Emissions do not appear magically in the air, they are caused by the process of producing goods and services we then consume. The extraction and processing of materials, fuels and food make up about half of total climate emissions. They are responsible for more than 90% of biodiversity loss and lack of clean water.

So what is our COP of tea?

Rich countries are consuming the planet's resources well beyond their share, but the impacts of this are being felt way more in poorer countries. Consumption is not fairly distributed. The 1.2 billion poorest people in the world are responsible for just 1% of the world’s consumption, while the one billion richest people account for 72% of consumption.

☑️We want the world leaders at COP27 in Sharm el Sheikh to focus on reducing overconsumption, rather than its symptoms, to prevent further damage to the planet and the people. ➡️ During the biggest climate event of the year, we want to direct the attention to fighting overconsumption by bringing young people and their demands for action into the COP discussions.

While we will be advocating at COP27, here is what you can do ➡️

  • 1️⃣ Follow our COP27 delegates 👉 we are bringing young people to Egypt. Who are they? What will they do at COP27? Follow their social media to get the latest updates from Sharm El Sheikh.

Elena Alexandra Miron

Micol Di Gioacchino


Rachael Parker Allen

Isabel Rutkowski

Pablo Morente Acale

  • 2️⃣ Spill the tea! Share the stories of young people facing the climate crisis in their daily lives. Help us show the world leaders that the current climate solutions are not working and we need more action now.
  • 3️⃣ Hold policy-makers accountable! Raise questions about what your government is currently doing and demand immediate action on tackling overconsumption as a solution to the climate crisis.

How? Check out our policy demands, learn more about the links between over consumption and the climate crisis and share them..

Here are some social media posts that you can easily share tagging your national politicians!

💭 Let's spill the tea 🫖 The solutions currently proposed by governments to tackle the climate crisis are NOT working! 😠

Why did the global CO2 emissions get to their highest level in history in 2021? 💨 @COP27 won't tackle the climate crisis while at the same time continue growing the economy.

#COP27 #ForYouthRights

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