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New Pool of Trainers kicks off term with meeting in Brussels


Getting off to a quick start, the new Pool of Trainers (PoT) met this past weekend in Brussels. This new team was selected just three weeks ago, beginning its new term with Quality Assurance training and a PoT meeting.

The Pool of Trainers is made up of 15 highly skilled and experienced individuals, from our member organisations, selected by the European Youth Forum to serve as a resource pool for member organisations to carry out training and facilitation. The PoT runs training courses and workshops related to youth issues, as well as facilitating seminars and evaluations. It also helps to develop training tools and materials.

In Brussels, the PoT took part in a ‘Training-4-Trainers’ session, focused on quality assurance of non-formal education. The group also met to get a better understanding of the European Youth Forum, the internal workings of the PoT and internal teambuilding. The PoT already began working on an internal action plan to increase the visibility of the PoT, to improve the quality of its work and to better serve the member organisations.

The PoT is available to support all Youth Forum member organisations. To make use of the PoT, member organisations are welcome to contact Jo Deman, Policy Officer for the Youth Forum, at

Currently there is a call for expression of interest regarding a request for training on Quality Assurance of non-formal education. See more information here.

More information on the Pool of Trainers:

- Click here.

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