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The European Youth Forum’s General Assembly, which brings together all the 103 Youth Forum members, every two years, is the highest decision making body of the platform. During the meeting the members elect the board members for the next two years, as well as FCC and CBMA members and decide upon the work plan of the Youth Forum for the next 3 years and shape youth policies in Europe. This year it is hosted by Varna, the European Youth Capital 2017 from the 16th to the 19th of November.

More information on our video below from the last Youth Forum GA.

Wednesday 16 November

Public plenary on youth rights

Just before the formal part of the European Youth Capital 2019 announcement ceremony, the delegates from over 100 member organisations gathered for the public plenary. Vibrant discussions took place on the importance of youth rights with Rune Brandrup from The United Nations Population Fund. Delegates got the chance to bring their ideas and give advice on how youth could be included in the UNFPA.

Announcement of Novi Sad, Serbia, European Youth Capital 2019

Our delegates were welcomed in the gigantic Sports Hall of Varna. About 3,000 young people came to be a part of the announcement of the European Youth Capital 2019 and more than 10,000 people watched the grand ceremony on our Facebook live.

Impressive singing, dancing and other performances from the hosts: Varna, European Youth Capital 2017, kept the atmosphere of the evening lively and warm. The night ended with an announcement: Novi Sad is the European Youth Capital 2019!

Have a look at the pictures here and visit our website dedicated to European Youth Capital.


Thursday 17 November

The Youth Forum General Assembly officially kicks off. First up roll call, adoptions of the agenda and a presentation of the work done by the platform over the last two years.

The “youth family” is growing

We are really pleased to announce that the following organisations upgraded their membership status or become observer members of the Youth Forum:

KOMS – National Youth Council of Serbia – full membership

EUDY – European Union of Deaf Youth – candidate membership

NYCU – National Youth Council of Ukraine – observer membership

THE AWARD – Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – observer membership




In the afternoon, the two candidates for FCC and the 15 candidates for the Board had the chance to adress the delegates and debate and put forward their vision ahead of the #YFJelections.


Friday 18th November



Thematic squares

Youth Forum members are running informal sessions on specific topics: Youth Rights, Norm criticism, Digital Participation, Migration and Human Rights, Good governance, UN Youth delegates, Democratic and open elections, XIX World Festival for Youth, Future of the European Voluntary Service.

Friday 18 November

Announcement of elections results

Elections are an essential part of European Youth Forum democratic life and it takes part in every two years. On Friday, the platform elected its political representatives of the following statutory bodies:


Luis Alvarado Martinez


Dejan Bojanic and Carina Autengruber

The Board

Kristen Aigro, Tina Hocevar, Zuzana Vaneckova, Mari Stromsvag, Andrea Casamenti, Sebastian Rood, Nafsika Vrettaki and Ville Majamaa

The Financial Control Commission

Danica Vihinen, Giulio Raimondo and Lilit Beglaryan


Advocacy coordination workshops and discussion on the future of Europe

Based on excellent feedback on EU advocacy meeting before Spring COMEM, Secretariat decided to facilitate a series of workshops on different on-going institutional advocacy processes to inform, engage and empower membership and in order to sharpen our advocacy.

Later that evening there was an open discussion on the future of Europe, coordinated by Eliza Popper, Coordinator YO!Fest 2017. Members and delegates shared their ideas and visions on why and how should we all create a better future for the Europe.

250 delegates of the European Youth Forum’s member organisations.


Saturday 19 November

Saturday started with the voting for the amendments to Work Pan 2017-2019 and Budget 2017. Also the Membership fees 2017 and external auditors for 2017-2019 were adopted.

Links to the documents mentioned above will come soon.

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