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The Survey « Génération quoi » highlights the concerns of young people. The European Youth Forum (YFJ) welcomes the work fulfilled by the actors who enabled this investigation. We now call the European leaders to start a reflection and propose sustainable solutions to youth issues and difficulties.

One must put proposals forward to address the causes of these concerns. The educational system does not allow social rise anymore, neither does it offer the same success opportunities. The financial crisis that has become economic and social hardly hit young people and complicated even more their sustainable integration in the labour market. It is more and more difficult for the "Génération Quoi" to access autonomy. More generally, young people fear not to find their place in society, with the long term consequences of exclusion this implies.

This crisis is not only the crisis of French youth; it is the crisis of European youth. Everywhere in Europe, the youth unemployment rates have exploded, reaching 23.5% today in the European Union, and it sometimes has sad records as seen in Greece (2 young people out of 3 without a job). In the same way, within the EU today, around 12.7% of young people leave school without a diploma each year. The same concerns and the same doubts are shared among young Europeans on their future, and on the capacity of society to recreate social links in times of crisis.

As shown by the recent study by the League of the Young Voters, political parties are not keen on youth issues; which is one of the reasons why young people lack interest and trust in the political class. A revealing inconsistency, although young people feel more European that their elders, 65% of them abstain from voting at the European elections because they feel their claims are not taken into consideration by the political parties.

In France, as in Europe, it is urgent to invest in youth. Invest in quality education so that everyone has the same chances to grow as a citizen and live an autonomous life. An ambitious Youth Guarantee should be followed by policies that enable economic growth and the creation of quality jobs.

The survey also indicates young people's determination to change, they are ready to collectively commit themselves and make decisions for their future. Youth organisations are essential tools to enable the expression of these claims. Their role should be granted more recognition.

On the occasion of the next European elections, the European Youth Forum launched its LoveYouthFuture campaign targeting European MEPs and candidates. They are invited to sign pledges to make Europe a better place to live for young people.

Giuseppe Porcaro, Secretary General of the European Youth Forum:

« We call on the European leaders to take ambitious decisions for young people and to commit themselves in the framework of the European elections. We invite all the candidates to the EP to support our LoveYouthFuture campaign and to commit themselves for youth rights. 'Youth' should no longer be just a word or a motto used by politics."

Read more :

Study of the League of the Young Voters:

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