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EU Youth Strategy: A promising plan for Europe’s youth


Today, 22 May, is a significant moment for young Europeans. It marks the launch of the European Commission’s new EU Youth Strategy proposal that will shape future youth policy in Europe.

The European Youth Forum is pleased to see that the European Commission has listened to the voices of young people and has included in the Strategy tools for youth mainstreaming in different policy areas within the EU and across Member States, as well as a brand new Youth Work Agenda.

Luis Alvarado, President of the European Youth Forum:

Young people need a Europe that offers them a positive future, that offers them hope. Today’s new EU Youth Strategy proposal is an exciting first step. The proposal has real potential to reach out and include more young people in decision-making, change the way we think about “youth issues”, and empower more youth organisations to carry out their invaluable work. Great things happen when the Commission works jointly with young people. This is an excellent example of this.

He continues:

However, this potential must be turned into action. The stakes are high for Member States to build on this momentum and make young generations a priority.

EU Youth Ministers also met today to debate future priorities for EU youth policy and to adopt Council conclusions on the role of young people in building a secure society and on addressing demographic challenges.

The European Youth Forum welcomes the conclusions that will contribute to furthering young people’s role in Europe and the world. The Youth Forum will also be reacting live online to the Minister’s public discussion this afternoon.

Read the European Youth Forum’s full reaction to the EU Youth Strategy.

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