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Coming soon!: the European Youth Forum’s Future of Work report


Today, the ILO’s Global Commission on the Future of Work has released its report on how to achieve a future of work that provides decent and sustainable work opportunities for all. Kicking off the ILO’s Centenary Year, and celebrating 100 years of the ILO’s work towards social justice by looking to the future, the Global Commission’s report calls on governments to put people at the centre of the future of work. With the dramatic shifts that are already taking place in the world of work and the global trends that will lead to further changes in the future, this focus on a just and equitable future of work throughout the Centenary is of vital necessity.

A fair future of work must have the rights, needs and voices of young people at its heart. But what is a future of work that puts young people at the centre? What kind of future of work do young people want?

These are the questions that the European Youth Forum focused on in 2018. Now, as this ILO 100th anniversary year gets underway, in a few weeks’ time we will be launching our own publication ‘The Future of Work and Youth’ to provide some answers. Looking at the impacts of four global megatrends, our report will set out some of the key challenges and opportunities young people in Europe will face as a result of the changing world of work. Most importantly, we will bring forward some solutions to the issues at the core of how young people in Europe interact with the world of work now and in the future, to help ensure a youth-inclusive future of work.

As the conversation continues throughout the ILO Centenary Year, and governments, employers and workers’ organisations grapple with the future of work and its implications, we hope that the ideas put forward in ‘The Future of Work and Youth’ will be an important piece of the puzzle. In a current labour market where young people face significant disadvantage and discrimination, it is vital to take steps today to ensure that no young person is left behind in the labour market of tomorrow.

Want to be part of the conversation? Watch this space for the launch of ‘The Future of Work and Youth’ in February!

For more information about our report and its launch, please contact: Nikita Sanaullah, Policy Officer on Social and Economic Inclusion,

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