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Cluj-Napoca, in Romania, will be the youth heart of Europe in 2015, when it will be the European Youth Capital. Holding this prestigious title is a unique opportunity for a city to demonstrate how its young people can bring a city alive through youth involvement and participation, youth-focused activities and creativity.

Cluj-Napoca, as 2015’s European Youth Capital, is well on the way to making this happen, with its dedicated team from the City Hall, as well as young volunteers who are together preparing an exciting, diverse and innovative programme for 2015.

The Youth Forum visited Cluj-Napoca last week (29th-31st September) to discuss the progress toward 2015, meeting with youth organisations from Cluj-Napoca, officials from City Hall and the "Share Federation" which brings together youth organisations to help plan the year’s activities. One of the first major activities will be the hosting of the European Youth Forum's General Assembly, bringing over 200 youth representatives to Cluj-Napoca in November 2014.

The theme of Cluj-Napoca's Year as European Youth Capital is "Share": sharing cultural and intergenerational diversity, the culture and customs of the city and enhancing friendship and understanding between Europe’s young people. The aim is also to empower the Cluj-Napoca’s young people and to bring about necessary change with young people, through including them in the governance of the city. An exciting programme of activities will be launched next October building up to the launch during a magnificent New Year's celebration in Cluj-Napoca.

The Youth Forum is excited about next year's European Youth Capital in Cluj-Napoca. As with the excellent current Capital, Thessaloniki, we are confident that Cluj-Napoca, through putting young people at the heart of their city, will also see that young empowered citizens can make big changes and create better futures for all.

Read more: the European Youth Capital website

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