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Pool of Trainers

Meet our powerhouse: The Pool of Trainers

Who are they? It's a group of talented young people bringing diverse sets of skills to the table. Need help with training sessions, workshops, events facilitation & policy discussions? They've got you covered.

Boost your organisation’s capacity and knowledge!

The Pool of Trainers (PoT) is a valuable human resource and a capacity-building tool for our member organisations and partners, providing a high level of tailor-made support in many different areas. Their skills and expertise range from advocacy and youth policy, to non-formal education and the rights-based approach. They also have expertise in many topical areas relevant to the work of the Youth Forum and its members.

Young trainers, coming mainly from our member organisations, can provide you with educational, pedagogical and facilitation support (running training, moderating workshops and policy dialogue sessions).

Who are the trainers?



Meet our 2023-2025 PoT!

What can the trainers do?

Our trainers are available to help you and your organisation, to support your work, and cater for your capacity building needs!

  • Run skill-based and thematic training courses and workshops.

  • Provide pedagogical support in developing, implementing and evaluating an activity programme.

  • Facilitate your seminars, conferences, training, meetings or evaluations.

  • Provide input on training related issues, non-formal education and expertise on building up your Pool of Trainers.

  • Develop training tools and materials.

  • Support you with digital facilitation and production.

  • Other, depending on their personal experience which you can find in their profiles.

How can you engage with PoT?

Our trainers are ready to provide you with their experience, skills and ideas.

Find out how to start your cooperation below 👇

For member organisations

For member organisations seeking a trainer, we invite you to connect with us by sending your request to Please provide detailed information about the activity, including:

  • objectives

  • the role of the trainers

  • group details

  • fees

  • and any other relevant information

It is advisable to share this information at least 2 months prior to the scheduled activity.

If your organisation requires a trainer but faces financial constraints, we offer the PoT Support Tool. More details on eligibility and the request process can be found on the Members’ Portal.

Outside member organisations

Our Pool of Trainers serves as a valuable asset not only for our membership but also for organisations and partners seeking diverse expertise and fresh perspectives. Our PoT has varied experiences that can enhance any of your activities. They are well-versed in international environments, and skilled at handling various types of assignments.

If you would like to work with our PoT, send an email to dasa.koribanicova@youthforum. Please provide detailed information about the activity at least 2 months prior to the activity, including:

  • objectives
  • the role of the trainers
  • group details
  • fees
  • and any other relevant information

For more information related to the Pool of Trainers and capacity building of the Youth Forum, please contact Senior Membership and Capacity Building Officer: